This series of works by Anna Nielsen and Oliver Stewart show the push/pull of the mother and son creative relationship
Anna’s sculptural work, that she has developed over the last 50+ years, stands as idols that Oliver attempts to pay homage to. Whilst committed to a seemingly at odds combination of aesthetics, each artist meets in the middle with several collaborative pieces.
The Nancy Caiger Gallery is open Wed-Sat, 11am-2pm.
Anna Fønss Nielsen
Anna is a retired teacher who has spent a lifetime creating art. Spending her days overlooking the sea, she fills her time painting, working with wood and maintaining the family farm. She finds inspiration in nature and spend days walking along the beach, listening to and watching birds, planting trees and caring for plants.
Oliver Vincent Stewart
Oliver is an A/V technician working at the University of Waikato within Te Kura Toi, School of Arts. His work covers a wide range of media, including painting, sculpture, digital, print and audio. This body of work is focused on his painted projects and exists in response to Anna Nielsens sculptures. Oliver is Anna’s son and has learnt from day one how to tap into the creative spirit from his mother.”
Anna Nielsen and Oliver Stewart
Aug 21 – 31, 2024
Wed-Sat, 11am-2pm
Nancy Caiger Gallery
1 Victoria Street
Hamilton Central
Ticket Info