Koorero Toi: Dorothy Waetford - Toi is Rongoaa

Dorothy Waetford shares insights about her creative practice and processes as a Maaori ceramic artist.Free event but registration required
Dorothy Waetford, whose work features in our exhibition Toi is Rongoaa, shares insights about her creative practice and processes as a Maaori ceramic artist. She speaks of key influences and the importance of networks.
Attendance is free for this artist talk but please register online as numbers are limited.
Toi is Rongoaa celebrates fourteen contemporary Maaori artists who believe in the importance of creative practice to their wellbeing. The invited artists have been supported by Creative New Zealand to make new work and share this essential kaupapa with our community.
13 Aug, 2022
1.30pm to 2.30pm
Waikato Museum
1 Grantham Street
Hamilton Central
Ticket Info