Kathryn Mannix author talk

Life and Death and How We Talk About It with Kathryn Mannix
Life and Death and How We Talk About It with Kathryn Mannix
Palliative Care Doctor, Psychotherapist and best-selling British author of With the End in Mind and Listen: How to find the Words for Tender Conversations
Join us for a koorero with Kathryn about how we can approach conversations that are both important and daunting by being better listeners and hear about her books about communication, compassion and end of life care. Poppies Bookshop will have Kathryn’s books for sale at the event.
Free event, all welcome.
This event is hosted by Hamilton City Libraries with support from Hamilton Book Month and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine.
Hamilton Book Month
27 Mar
6:30PM - 7:30PM
Rototuna Library
North City Road
Rototuna North
Ticket Info