July School Holiday Art Programme
Our school holiday programme is tutored by our highly skilled and experienced term art tutors who are passionate about teaching children.
Each morning there are different creative activities on offer for the children. From painting skills, watercolour techniques, collage, drawing skills, clay modelling, pastels and craft creations. Children will have a mixture of step by step activities and time to explore their own ideas with encouragement and guidance from out tutors who are practising artists and creatives. Class numbers are kept small to give your child(ren) a quality, nurturing environment. Our studios are a lovely place to create in the winter months with heating, and lots of windows for light and sun.
5 years – 12 years.
Monday 3rd July – Paint a snow scene & Clay Modelling
Tuesday 4th July – Watercolour Techniques & Experimenting
Wednesday 5th July – Colourful Tissue Collage & Drawing Cute Animals
Thursday 6th July – Craft Creations using a huge variety of craft items
Friday 7th July – Oil Pastel Artworks & Suprise Drawings
Monday 10th July – Abstract Acylic Painting & Clay Modelling
Tuesday 11th July – 3D Art in a Box Creations
Wednesday 12th July – Watercolour, Salt & Pastel deep sea art
Thursday 13th July – Perspective Drawings & Card Art with Watercolour Pencils
(No programme Friday 14th July – Matariki public holiday)
$35 per child per morning or $30 if attending 5 mornings or more.
Enrol online wsa.org.nz
Jul 3 – 13, 2023
9am - 12pm
Waikato Society of Arts
120 Victoria Street
Hamilton Central
Ticket Info
Ticket Provider