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Jane Austen Big Birthday Assembly

5 Apr

Bridgerton comes to the Tron - Join in an elegant evening of regency dance circa 1800 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Jane Austen's birth.

Hamilton will return to circa 1800 in an elegant evening of popular dances from the Jane Austen period. Channel your inner D’Arcy and Elizabeth, Mr. Collins or Emma, on the dance floor to help Jane Austen celebrate her 250th Birthday. Enjoy a convivial evening of conversation and a light supper. A regency ensemble will accompany the dancing. Dance with confidence as all dances will be called by the Dance Mistress.

Email in advance and get the dance programme (with links you-tube to dances where available). If you want more hands-on tuition Dance Folkus will present a four-week course covering the dance programme on Thursday evenings in Hamilton from 13 March to 3 April. $40 for all four weeks –  $10 per casual attendance for Early bird ticket holders, otherwise $12 casual attendance. (at 7.30pm St Aidan’s Hall Cnr Thames St & Heaphy Tce).

Look the part! Pump up the fun factor and wear period costume fit for Jane’s Big Birthday. Please each bring a plate of food for a shared supper. Non-alcoholic refreshments provided

Early Bird Tickets – Online payment in Advance (ticket prices are $5 less if purchased in advance) ……or

Cash only at the door  – Rooms open at 7.00pm

$35 Adults / $25 Students / $10 School-age

Enquiries: Dancefolkus@slingshot.co.nz


Dance Folkus


5 Apr
7.30pm - 11.00pm


Matangi Hall
474 Tauwhare Road

Ticket Info

Door Sales Only

