Jana Wood: Gestures, the land speaks

Jana Wood continues an on-going expression of connection to place and the investigation of space.
Resulting from a slow kind of looking and feeling, hearing, listening and being, this series of work was made over the past year in Port-Waikato, where Wood lives.
Operating in a liminal space between abstraction and figuration, the works present an all-encompassing deep awareness of surroundings, characterised by an expressive use of colour and intimate handling of paint.
Jana Wood (Ngati Raukawa ki te tonga/Ngati Pakeha) has a Post Graduate Diploma from Elam School of Fine Arts Auckland, and a Bachelor of Visual Arts from AUT Auckland.
Tuesday – Friday 10am – 3pm
Weekends 11am – 3pm
14 Jan – 5 Feb, 2023
See description for times
Wallace Gallery Morrinsville
167 Thames Street
Ticket Info