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    Graham Brown & Co - Free Mental Health Seminar

    3 Nov, 2022

    A Mental Warrant of Fitness

    Graham Brown & Co is a proud supporter of Mental Health initiatives, through building awareness, for our clients, community and workplace, and are excited to bring you


    Well-being advocate, inspirational mental health coach and speaker extraordinaire.

    Thursday 3rd November, 2022
    1.00pm (start) – 2.30pm (including question time)
    Plaza Theatre
    Kensington Street, Putāruru

    Paul empowers and inspires people to take charge of their mental health, wellbeing and happiness. He works with companies, government agencies and schools throughout the country, and is also involved with a number of national and regional projects promoting the importance of good mental health.

    Paul uses art to help break down the stigma around mental health and normalise the ups and downs of life that we all experience. The artwork “a Mental W.O.F” and versions of this work are quickly becoming iconic art pieces throughout New Zealand and abroad.

    The beauty and power of Paul’s art is that it provides common sense messages that help to get people thinking and talking about things that matter.

    Paul has a natural and authentic style that weaves real life stories with what is happening in the community and then he offers strategies to consider.


    We would love you, your family and friends to join us for this complimentary community event

    Please confirm your attendance by phone or email. Contact our office 07 885 1022 or info@grahambrown.co.nz

    Graham Brown and Co are proud supporters of Gumboot Friday

    Gold coin donations are welcome on the day




    3 Nov, 2022
    1pm - 2:30pm


    The Plaza Theatre
    50-56 Kensington Street

    Ticket Info





    Graham Brown and Co