Entropy: End of empire

As Western civilisation teeters on the brink, are we about to see another end of Empire? Presented as a multimedia art exhibition.
ENTROPY–End of Empire!
(The revolution will be televised! )
Will this empire fail?
“By the middle of the 3rd century AD, the Roman state was spiralling into bankruptcy. Romans were constantly at war, not only abroad but among each other. The middle class was under siege, and inflation and crime were out of control. Civil services and public works were falling into disrepair while commerce declined. Only the rich flourished under the new conditions of desperation.”
Sound familiar?
As Western civilisation teeters on the brink, are we about to see another end of Empire?
Presented as a multi media installation as both visual and audio works by multiple artists across 3 galleries at Artspost, Kirikiriroa.
Black Creative (Mr BLAck)
23 Jan – 16 Feb
Opening night 5.30pm, 23rd January.
WSA Arstpost
120 Victoria Street
Hamilton Central
Ticket Info