A Passion for Art

11 Cambridge artists and art orientated businesses combine with the Cambridge Rotary Garden Festival
This is a display of artists and art orientated establishments who will carry out two days showing their art work in their studios or homes on November 19 and 20, 2022. Included in this is the Cambridge Museum who will operate from Arnold Cottage at Te Awa retirement Village, they can be found as you enter Cambridge. PHONE CAROLE HUGHES 021401951 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS
This art exhibition will combine with the Cambridge Rotary Garden Festival on the Sunday 20 November. www.cgf.nz
Artists taking part are:
Kirsten McIntosh
Cambridge Museum
Catherine Howarth
Cambridge Society of Arts
Heritage Gallery
Jutta Mark Antiques and Fine Arts
Carole Hughes
Jo Beckett
Wayne Sinclair/Robyn Barclay
Lea Woutersen
If you buy a ticket for the Rotary Garden Festival there is a map in there which show you where to find these artists.
These tickets are available online or at Amber Nurseries or Cambridge Jewellers.
Nov 19 – 20, 2022
Multiple locations
See description
Ticket Info